IMI presses for automotive focus in all political party manifestoes

The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) is calling on all political parties to acknowledge the sector’s significance for economic and social stability as the country prepares for the July 4 General Election.

As an industry sector employing around 866,000 people and contributing £37 billion in gross value added to the economy, the IMI’s “wish list” for the next government targets critical issues such as job vacancies, skills development, education, and the integration of new technologies.

Steve Nash, CEO of the IMI, stressed the crucial role of governmental support and infrastructure in maintaining the UK’s global leadership in the automotive industry: “The IMI has worked hard to engage with all political parties over the last few years to ensure there is a good understanding of what’s needed to keep UK motorists and road users safe. The knowledge and expertise has been provided and we very much hope the next Government will place the right emphasis on automotive,” he said.

Central to the IMI’s advocacy is the need for:

Education: The automotive training workforce faces severe under-resourcing, and the pipeline of new talent remains insufficiently filled. The IMI calls for governmental investment in infrastructure and educational pathways to enhance the presence of automotive educators/trainers and ensure equitable representation of the sector in the education curriculum.

Skills: With the skills gap in automotive widening, particularly in light of emerging technologies like electric vehicles and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), the IMI urges the next government to provide financial support for recruitment, training, and resources. Special attention should be given to SMEs within the sector.

Road Safety/Consumer Trust & Confidence: Policies informing consumers about the importance of engaging qualified/accredited technicians and ensuring the suitability of the MOT for ADAS-equipped vehicles are paramount.

New Technologies: Future policies must address data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity concerns related to vehicle ownership and usage. Additionally, upskilling the workforce to handle ADAS, electric vehicles, and other emerging technologies is crucial for ensuring accessibility and avoiding disparities in social mobility.

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