This week was rough. Donald Trump somehow convinced more than half the country that he was the better choice than the most qualified woman to ever run for the Presidency. Alas, they are about to find out how wrong they were.
After moving through the 5 stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) I have ended up in a 6th stage: Looking forward to schadenfreude. In English: I am ready to see his supporters realize how incredibly f*cked they are.
To help me laugh as these things unfold on a micro and macro scale, I have bookmarked a reddit page: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace
The page describes itself this way:
I never thought leopards would eat MY face
‘I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party. Revel in the schadenfreude anytime someone has a sad because they’re suffering consequences from something they voted for or supported or wanted to impose on other people.
In the 5 days since the election there has been an avalanche of people ALREADY realizing how badly they f*cked up.
From tariffs so parents realizing that their kids will lose their IEP’s to elderly people realizing they may lose their only source of money, social security. It has been crazy. And Trump isn’t even in office for over 2 months!
Those of us in blue states may be insulated from the worst of it, especially if we have strong Governors, like Pritzger, Moore and Newsom. But red states? Nah, they are screwed. And that is sad for Democrats in those states and not as sad for Republicans who supported Trump.
The horror he is about to unleash will not only affect the people you hate. And that is where they miscalculated. Racist grandma is going to lose her social security because she hates those brown people down the street. Homophobic Gen X divorced dad who hates his LGBTQ kid will not get a bonus at his blue collar job because of tariffs that he thought other countries will pay. Dude bro male gym teacher is going to be really mad when he loses his job because physical education is no longer something the now defunct Department of Education (now called Department of Christian Education) supports.
Leopards eating faces indeed.
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